About me




その後ドイツケルンにて民族音楽研究家のAchim Tangと共同作品を制作しリリース

ドイツでStephan Desireからマルチマイク録音を学び
日本で金田式DC録音の第一人者:五島 昭彦氏からステレオペア音響学を学ぶ



2023年からはヒーリング音響を研究するCuranz Soundsを立ち上げ
癒しの音をCuranz Soundsにて発信中

Studying ethnic music at a Japanese music university
After graduating, he worked as a pianist mainly in Western Japan.

Traveling to Sweden to study improvisation philosophy

After that, he produced and released a collaborative work with ethnic music researcher Achim Tang in Cologne, Germany.

In Germany I learned multi-microphone recording from Stephan Desire.
After returning to Japan, he studied stereo pair acoustics under Akihiko Goto, a leading expert in Kaneda-style DC recording.

He became independent as a recording engineer and founded the art studio Pinocoa.
As a producer, he produces and directs the production of works by various artists both in Japan and abroad, including jazz, classical, and tango.

In addition, in order to produce music, he will learn the C programming language from Kazuhide Kobayashi of Geosense Inc., and photography and videography from Koji Murakami of the Murakami Archives.

In 2023, I will launch Curanz Sounds, which will study healing sounds.

Currently, I am broadcasting healing sounds through Curanz Sounds to spread frequencies of love and harmony all over the world.

How to contact us